Bobby taught himself guitar to figure out what made his favorite melodies tick, which led to his composing instrumental pieces. These pieces, invoking melodies from Mumbai, Memphis and beyond, serve as a springboard for spontaneous dialogs and improvised explorations.

Ode to Gaia is a celebrates the interconnectedness of all beings on earth; there is no Planet B!

Ritual at Dawn invites the audience to participate in a thrilling youngster-initiation fire ceremony.

Inner Warrior reflects on questions we ask ourselves in the throes of fighting our demons.

Silk Road Caravanserai is a medieval pit-stop, where Marco Polo and world travelers share their stories.

Nataraja’s Footprints imagines a jazz maestro traveling to South India to pay homage to Shiva, the mythical connoisseur of music and dance.

“Silk Road Caravanserai”
Elden Kelly and Bobby Bringi

“Inner Warrior”
Elden Kelly & Bobby Bringi

“Ode to Gaia”
Elden Kelly and Bobby Bringi